Monthly Archives - January 2009

Hold on tight!

The handlebar mustache is in FULL EFFECT! Now people can say "you look like that guy from Super Size Me" instead of the Seth Rogan...


Burger Friday was pretty fun today... We went to a place called Fritz's Hamburgers. They deliver the food using little trains that look a bit...


I ran a mile in 6:39 minutes today. Is that good enough for the Presidents Physical Fitness Award? ... I wonder what the range is...

3 Things

I hear the phrase "affordable health care" all the time. Isn't the word "affordable" a relative term? What it means to me might not be...

Bill & Ted

Right before big moments in history (like tomorrow) I feel like watching "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure"... I think Barack will be phone booth worthy...

Just Two guys

So I have resigned myself to just posting videos this week... Here is another one of my favorites! (Do NOT show this to your kids! Hahahaha...)

Ma Nah Ma Nah!

The endless string of AMAZING You Tube clips continues! ... If you have kids, then be sure to show this to them (Emily)! From Sesame Street. -------------------------------------------- Thinking...

Oscar The Owl!

"Oscar The Owl" will be entertaining the fans in the new Merrimack Stadium. (Thanks Steve for the artwork) -------------------------- Unfortunately I did not take very many pictures this...


There is something great about writing a blog post at 3:33 in the morning... The price to pay for feeling young again!!!