Monthly Archives - November 2007


----------------- Bought my "countdown to Christmas" chocolates tonight! Can't wait to start!


One of the dudes at work is having his first baby tonight... There is a special look in a dudes eyes when he knows he...


It's not his fault... I posed him (think wicker chair pictures). "That was one tough shit!!!"

NC trip day 4

"Pretty Place" My Mom made this hat... it is COOL!!! So many more pictures tomorrow!


There is nothing on the planet that I did not eat today... I also picked up deer poop with a leaf and squeezed it... COOL!

NC trip day 2

I am eating anything I want, whenever I want... Thanksgiving fat week is AWESOME! What the hell is up with Ryan in this picture! Dairy Queen chicken...

The Wall

Watched part of Pink Floyds "The wall" movie with Cap tonight... Freaking GREAT so far! Another Christmas gift idea for Joe!


The Office and Curb were both hilarious this week... I had to pause them to laugh out loud several times. ---------------------- Notable personal info here.


Cap' made me download "Born to run" from Bruce Springsteen this weekend... LOVIN' IT! Have also been trying on Band of horses. The Wilco-ish band Fields are...


The two things that I loved the most today: - The $12.00 sleeping bag that I bought at Target... So cozy. So warm. So perfect. I...


I saw this picture on a photographers website today and laughed out loud! --------------------------- Thought of the day "Every change – big or little, seismic or insignificant –...