Monthly Archives - January 2007

Art Wednesday

Bettina Rheims April 24, Paris 2000 "It Was So Hot..." --- I love the lighting in this picture. It might be the night time, it might be a windowless room,...

Art Wednesday

Paul Klee ---------------------------- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHLOE Here is a video from her birthday party... It looks worse than it is. ---------------------------- ---------------------------- More than likely...

Thomas Hart Benton

----------------------------- I forgot to tell you that the bastards that stole the Jeep... The second set of bastards that is, stole my favorite sunglasses. I will never...


I hate to sound like a sissy, but I am really busy and really tired... I will do my best to post something of substance...


This is what I look like after eating a full plate of Gates BBQ on New Years Eve. Photo by Jamie Johnson.

New Year

So Jamie has a ton of great pictures and videos that I will get in the next few days... You...