

So it is a strange thing that I spend most of my life with a whole set of people that none of you know. I go in, spend 9 hours working, talking and laughing with people that you will never shake hands with… and you do the same.

So my department won this minor design award from some contest that I had never heard of, so they took this picture of us to put in the company newsletter (please do not congratulate me because I really had nothing to do with it).

From left to right: Angie, Steve, Jodi, Matt, Craig, Me, Ryan.


I downloaded an album from Missy Higgins last night. I am listening to it right now and really enjoying it.


Big weekend on the horizon:

Friday night – Get destroyed at darts by the Captain
Saturday – Play ASB with Jeff for the first time since we were kids
Sunday – Go to lunch with my great friend Chris who will be in town for the day.
Sunday evening/night – Finish Heros with Jam… I can’t wait.

Everyday – Root for the Cubs as the try not to break my fragile heart again


Sam, what is up with the Mets? … I think that they will pull it out, but COME ON!!!


Ry bought tickets to the Wilco concert for us this week… I have not been to a concert in a few years. I am going to buy a t-shirt!


Lancers is going to be in town this coming week… I am so freaking stoked. He is BOSS and RAD.

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Comments (3)

  • Sweet Sammy

    At least they won last night… FINALLY! Three games up on the loss column, magic number’s 9. Offense is looking good again, it’s all about our crappy bullpen. Wright and Beltran are simply going to have to will this team into the playoffs and I believe!

    Come on Mets… Come on Cubbies!

    If our lives were video games, Lance would totally be Boss Rad. The 8th level boss who destroys people with phat beats and his bald glare! Rub it for me, it’s good luck.

    September 20, 2007 at 5:54 am
  • Jamie

    Awww…creepy Steve! Plus I love your “what are you gonna do?” hand gesture.

    September 20, 2007 at 6:56 am
  • em

    Can’t wait to see you on Saturday – bring James and Ryan – I will be stoned out on meds!!! Come any time.

    September 20, 2007 at 7:45 am

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