


Me with Chris’ boy, Corbin.


Happy Anniversary to Lance and Al… Tack on one more year of awesomeness to your marriage.


Ryan had a pretty sweet birthday. Carrie and I gave him a t-shirt that says “Dune Buggy!” in block print on the front. AWESOME.

He also received an iPod from Jamie in which he named “Bob”.


I am excited to be off to KC today to hang with my brother, his wife and their daughters. We will also be checking out some neighborhoods, looking at a few different places to live and drinking from time to time.


I woke up yesterday to a mysterious pain in my neck (literally). Turning my head to the right has become a bit of a task, and today the pain has spread its wings and ventured further down my spine toward the middle back area. I tell you what, todays neck and back pains are so ambitious. I blame George W.


My sister and her new husband have arrived back in Salina from their honeymoon. San Antonio seems to be a pretty fun place for them to go. They went to “Ripley’s believe it or not” (I don’t believe it), were they saw a crap load of wax statues that did not look like the person that they were supposed to… Baseball game… Crap motel.

Good to have them back in the sunflower state.


The good news about my back hurting now, is that I think that I will be ready for the big game on the third. It seems like I will have a pretty decent sized cheering section.


I am coming to a BLOGGING milestone, the 3rd on June will be one year of typing into this thing. If I have time, I am thinking of having a scavenger hunt through some of my past entries (in the comments section), and the winner gets something awesome.

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