

I saw this commercial about skin tonight. It got me thinking about how cool skin really is. It’s stretchy, waterproof, soft, hard and sensitive all at the same time… It is like a giant zip-lock for our guts.

I know that you know all of this, but isn’t it kind of cool to think about things that you seldom think about?





Do people actually read this shit when I write it? I mean sure, this is not exactly a novel or anything, but I know that when I see more than four lines of text next to each other I feel like I need to buckle down to read. Do you ever have that feeling? … Sometimes I wish that I couldn’t read, then I would have a reason for my lask of ethusiasm for any body of text longer than a street sign.


Two industries that can go to hell:
– Tow truck
– Insurance


I have decided to start phasing in the term “dialed in” into my vocabulary.

[Joe walks out of the bathroom after 10 minutes]


So from time to time, I like to go back to what I was up to one year ago… I was writing a lot of sensitive shit one year ago around this time… WHAT A SISSY! hahahahahahaha.


Thought from the shower
What is a better gauge of a person:
– Taste in music
– Level of education
– Religion

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Comments (5)

  • Sweet Sammy

    A year ago, you were really dialed in to being gay! And not in the cool man-on-man way.

    PS. Love the pic… the Mets are just playing scared. Scared to loose, scared to make a pitch, scared to make a mistake. It’s weak, pathetic baseball and it should get Willie fired. Why can’t we manage our respective teams?!?!?!

    September 21, 2007 at 5:51 am
  • Jamie

    You are/were not a sissy…you were just dialed in to your “reflective” side. This year? F your reflective side!

    September 21, 2007 at 7:02 am
  • amanda

    I read this! Everyday when I want to read something that takes my mind away from work I can always depend on you, Joe!

    To answer your question, I gauge people by 1) their music and 2) the way they drive. I think you can tell a lot about someone’s inner person by experiencing the way they manouver a car.

    September 21, 2007 at 1:41 pm
  • amanda

    Damn! I should have said “…I can always dial in to you, Joe.”

    September 21, 2007 at 1:42 pm
  • shannondg

    a persons taste in music is the definite way to gauge their character.

    September 22, 2007 at 9:58 am

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