Pure Randomness

Pure Randomness


I love to eat ice cream… But eating it out of a plastic baseball helmet bowl is the greatest thing ever.


When the Jeep would not start a few days ago, I had a feeling that my dirty old working pants would need to be called upon from the bottom of my drawer … So this morning I put them on, along with an old sweatshirt and a ball cap and went to work under the hood… A few hours and a few trips to the local auto parts store yielded a changed fan belt and a new battery in my version of driving heaven.


I have a patch of the Swedish flag that is about the size of a business card. I am thinking about sewing it onto the left sleeve of my green hooded sweatshirt… I think that it would look nice there.


I have so many good entries about my life growing up… But I think that I am starting to bore you with the sentence that starts with “When I was a kid…”

In a weird way I am feeling the need to document these stories, as if my bullshit stories of growing up in Kansas is my legacy on this Earth…. Wait a minute, maybe my bullshit stories of growing up in Kansas WILL be my legacy… Maybe I will write a musical using Garageband, my cowbell, and sound effects made from my mouth to tell the story of me… It is going to me awesome… Anyone have a good banjo loop?


How come every time I go down to the corner store to buy a couple of beers, on the way home some jackass asks me if he can “bumb” one… Now I have heard of “bumbing” a cigarette, a piece of gum or candy… But a freaking beer? How much of a moron would I have to be to give some dude that may or may not be of age a beer… Plus, a beer is worth a hell of a lot more than a lousy piece of gum.


Facts about the Sun BLOW MY MIND… It is by far the largest object in the solar system. It contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System (Jupiter contains most of the rest). The place that I got this fact is here.


Does it freak anyone else out to see a cross-section of the human body?

GOOD GRAVY!!! I was just looking for a picture to put here and got all freaked out… Ahhhhh…

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