I’m a travellin’ man don’t tie me down

I’m a travellin’ man don’t tie me down


On the road again… Again.


P.S. – QT has the most amazing beverage selection in the world.


I have never had a hot dog from one of these roller cooker things… But these tempted me.


This urinal located somewhere in the heart of Georgia has amazing magical powers… As I was walking into the restroom there was this dude using it, sure no big deal right? Well, I could not help but realize that he did not wash his hands when he was done. The next guy that used the same stall had the same peculiar non-washing approach. Strange to say the least… But when the THIRD guy used the SAME urinal and used the exit without washing up, I realized that some mystical force was at play… Honestly, I had the thought of Harry Potter casting a spell on this urinal, “no-washy-handso” he might say with a flick of the wrist… or “cleaneo-weenieo” with magic cleansing bubbles erupting from the drain.

Anyway, I am sure that this is the elusive magical bathroom stall that men came to the new world to find… This was what Coronado was REALLY looking for. You do not need to wash up when you use a urinal of this caliber, that would be insulting, unjust and wrong… I know what you are thinking; “this guy spends too much time in the bathroom and is paying to much attention to other guys in there.” Here is my response to that statement… True.

I know the other question that is floating around in your head, “did you try it?”
Here is my response to that question… No… But I am amazed by the strength of these brave men that have felt the sterilizing power of the magic urinal.


Check out the schmancy beds in the hotel room.


The Bacon Cheeseburger that 78 threw at me (in a mean way).


NOTE TO SWEDES: This is an Ice Maker. It takes water (H2O) and converts it into a solid form that is really cold… Great in beverages.

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Comments (4)

  • Hank

    Joe, how come you was in the bathroom long enough to see three guys enter, take a pee (not washing hands) and leave? I take it you actually saw them use the urinal since you refer specifically to this one. So alot of questions are arising; did you sit down to do number two without closing the door, was your bladder reeeaally full, did you just stand there watching in a corner, did you shave…? WTF did you do in that restroom in Georgia?

    August 28, 2006 at 5:18 am
  • Joe


    August 28, 2006 at 6:35 am
  • em

    you’re a sick sick man

    August 28, 2006 at 6:49 pm
  • Joe

    Ok… The first dude was in there when I walked in. The second when I was partially done. And the third when I went back in to take the picture… YES, I waited for the restroom to be cleared before I took the picture.

    August 28, 2006 at 9:34 pm

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