I Have Seen The Devil

I Have Seen The Devil

So I have a new name for pain and suffering. I have a new name for sadness, death, stupidity and grief. I have a new name for the devil… It is Rafael Furcal. Not only does this sack of pure evil reject the Cubs 40 million dollar contract offer in the off season, he collides with the best player on our team (Derek Lee) a couple of nights ago while playing with his new team (the Dodgers)… Breaking the best player on our team, Lee’s, wrist. He will be out at least 8-10 weeks. F-you Rafael Furcal… I don’t care that the collision was in essence the Cubs pitchers fault. I BLAME YOU FURCAL!!! YOUR MOTHER WAS A SNOW BLOWER!!! YOU HAVE A HORSE-FACE!!! YOU LIKE TO FART IN THE PERFUME ISLE!!! I guess I can’t blame you for that… Seriously though, I know you are a member of AL-QAEDA!!!

From ESPN ::
“The injury occurred less than two weeks after the 30-year-old Lee and the Cubs agreed on a $65 million, five-year contract that calls for a $13 million annual salary and contains a no-trade clause.”…

From Joe regarding what ESPN said ::

If you are an Astros, White Sox, Cardinals, Reds, Pirates, Brewers or any other person that hates the Cubs, you can Click here to celebrate my pain.


The Onion has a really funny spoof story on the Cubs hot startClick here
-Thanks Jamie


Apparently even the Republicans are joining up with rational thinking humans…
From FOXnews ::

“NEW YORK — More Americans disapprove than approve of how George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Congress are doing their jobs, while a majority approves of Condoleezza Rice. President Bush’s approval hits a record low of 33 percent this week, clearly damaged by sinking support among Republicans.”

If the Republican news network is saying this, things must be pretty bad for the morons in Washington. . What if the started thinking for themselves??? (In a screaming voice) Awwwwww…

P.S. – Bush is such a FURCAL!!!

Full Story click here


Got some company coming into town this weekend… I hope we get to play whiffle ball or ultimate Frisbee.



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Comments (4)

  • jamie

    I love the use of Furcal as an adjective!

    Ultimate frisbee is only fun when it’s not 100,000 degrees outside.

    In the (sort of) immortal words of Uncle Banjo: “It’s fucking hot out there.”

    April 21, 2006 at 9:32 am
  • cgilch

    Joe, you really have a track record of coining new adjectives. Calling something bush league is about the funniest thing I have ever heard.

    April 21, 2006 at 9:41 am
  • Sweet Sammy

    As a long time hater of Furcal… I support this initative.

    April 21, 2006 at 1:34 pm
  • em

    FURCAL…I thought is was FUCAL! (sound it out in your head! Hah!)

    April 21, 2006 at 7:02 pm

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