Happy Trettondag Jul!

Happy Trettondag Jul!

Some Swedish Holiday on my calendar… Would someone let me know what it is? “Jul” is Christmas, but what is “Trettondag”?

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  • Hank

    In Britain they call it the “Epiphany” if that helps you. “Trettondag” can be translated (roughly) to ” the thirteenth day” which is the day that marks the end of the christian holiday.

    I also believe that in very early days ( I read somewhere 4th century) this day originally was to celebrate the birth of christ. I do not nkow about that though.

    Trettondag Jul = Thirteen days after christmas (Epiphany).

    Thanks for asking, I learned a lot:). I never really asked myself the question why we celebrate (Which no one does except for staying at home from work and watching TV) this wierd day.

    January 8, 2007 at 3:50 am
  • Joe

    THANKS Hank!

    All the American holidays are for getting off of work and watching TV. Kind of pathetic… Unless your poor, then you don’t even get that.

    January 8, 2007 at 6:51 am

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