Go Green

Go Green

Company meeting tomorrow morning… I have been roped into representing the “green” team. Turns out that my company uses 1000 styrofoam cups per month. That is crazy to me! BUY A FREAKING BOTTLE AND A MUG FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!!!!!


I am back on the P-90X workout regiment… Been waking up before the sun.


BIG crash of thunder at 5:00 this morning scared the hell out of me.


Got some big ASB games tomorrow night. GO OWLS!


My buddy at work was putting together an email about a place to go eat on Friday and did a google image search to find a picture… The place was on our burger tour so I had pictures of it on my blog… the second and third images in the search are below! Hahahaha!!! I am an internet celeb!

Google Image search “LC Hamburgers”.

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  • carly

    Almost wet the bed when that thunder crashed. Super loud!!

    October 20, 2009 at 10:31 am

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