


After tomorrow, I will be a Floridian for only nine more days (give or take). I am so freaking HOT that I might melt into Chet (pictured).

78 and I are going to go box hunting this weekend. I always feel like a bit of an outlaw when I am driving behind all of the major furniture and department stores… I guess it is the closest thing I will get to the feeling I had jumping over the neighbors fence to get the whiffle ball back.

Isn’t it strange how all of my belongings are going to be placed into a box that someone else is discarding?


Howard is doing well after his surgery. “He is eating soup and watching his military show,” said my Mom… Yeah, he sounds like he is almost back to normal.


I am in the process of reading “Eldest”. This is book 2 in the Eragon Inheritance series. It is great so far.


I bought some peanut butter the other day at Publix… For the life of me I can not find it. Syrup is just not as good on Eggo Waffles as PB.

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Comments (3)

  • Jamie

    Nice Chet pic.

    Remember Chet from the Keys?

    I wonder where she(it) is now?


    May 3, 2006 at 9:05 am
  • cgilch

    The peanut butter is in the back seat of the jeep. Your life is in my hands hahahahaha!

    May 3, 2006 at 9:56 am
  • em

    And why is the peanut butter in the back of the Jeep? Hmmmnnn…guess I don’t really want to know that answer! Oh, and I thought the wiffle ball link would be to the picture of the evil dog in Sandlot when the famed autographed ball went over the fence! Oh well, maybe next time.

    May 3, 2006 at 5:36 pm

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