Art Wednesday

Art Wednesday


So I think that it is time to bring back “Art Wednesday”. I have missed it and it keeps me thinking about and looking at art and life in a certain way… Which is good.

What better way to bring it back than with my favorite artist, Rene Magritte. This piece is called “Les merveilles de la Nature” or “Wonders of Nature”. It was painted in 1953 and is Oil on canvas. It’s home is the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

One thing that you can always count on when you are looking at a Magritte is all of the multiple reads. Why the ship in the background? Why the fish heads? Are they in love? Are they made of stone? What does the sky mean? … Anyway, I think that they are so in love, and the view was so amazing that they eventually turned to stone from letting one moment slip into another for all of eternity… Kind of a beautiful way to go… The fish heads could be some comment on being breathless when you are in love, like a fish out of water….

That’s just my take…

Read more about Magritte here

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Comments (6)

  • Hank

    That’s a beutiful interpretation!

    Great to see Art Wednesday again, I’ve missed it.

    September 14, 2006 at 2:34 am
  • Sabina

    Very interesting and beutiful interpretation. But there is always a kind of dichotomy to life. That’s the reason why we are always searching for some kind of balance and harmony. And I see the other side in this too. The fish that are longing for the big blue ocean, meaning a great freedom. To find the freedom in love and their “togetherness”. How do we stay with eachother and at the same time allow eachother to be free? (Just some thoughts)

    September 14, 2006 at 9:19 am
  • Joe

    Very interesting take… and a very good question.

    September 14, 2006 at 1:05 pm
  • Sweet Sammy

    In reality, it’s two dudes, and they have belly blowholes, cause those are WAY to huge to be belly buttons. They’re from the Island of Dr. Moroau and are a super species that can breath both on land and in the water, as it appears they have gills and blowholes. Their names are Hambone and Flippy and they just saw a cloud that looks like a dolphin, I mean, really, how many times does that happen?!?! Magritte apparently knew the Vannonis and ate some of their special cake… often.

    September 14, 2006 at 1:30 pm
  • Joe

    Sam… Just when I think you can’t get any DUMBER, you go and write something like this… AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!

    September 14, 2006 at 1:39 pm
  • Misty

    Nice, Sam. And it was well known Magritte often partook of cake very much like the Vanonis . . . so good read, m’love.

    September 14, 2006 at 2:20 pm

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