Plattform Advertising

With the speed of a Puma … Figuring out how to contribute, innovate and excel in a fast-paced career-college advertising firm like Palttform Advertising was no small feat. The art of brinstorming, refining processes and trusting your instincts to produce massive amounts so work in a short timeframe became a way of life.

With top-notch professionals around every corner, Plattform was a hotbed for young digital artists… artists that needed processes that could allow them to truly innovate, but at the same time hit key production deadline. As the project leader of several key inniciatives such as internal website design process and developing email design templates, I quickly became an asset to the design team.

Balancing these projects with a massive workload for the first year, I was promoted from the web design department to the e-mail marketing team after one year of service where a new leadership role was assumed with a focus on design process, team building, statistic analysis, design innovation and performance based results.

Work samples: