Monthly Archives - December 2007


So I am mostly recovered from the Christmas of illness... Throat, sinus, left eye exploding with snot, and an ear infection (ongoing)... Basically, everything from...


I have been sick as a dog the last few days... Today, I think I turned the corner and am on the way to recovery!


Was hoping that I could miss the entire day of work due to the storm... I only missed a couple of hours. CRAP.


I am in the process of compiling the best albums I have listened to this year... 27 so far!!! Here is last years list

Golden Compass?

Anybody else want to see this Golden Compass movie? I think I do... I have not been to a movie in soooooooo long. -------------------------- Got some AWESOME...

Advent Cal

---------------------- CRAFT TIME!!! I took my LAME KC Chiefs mini hoop and transformed it into a super-cool Beatles hoop! Painted some frames that were handing around and framed...


I got Johnny Cash live at Folsom Prison today on vinyl... It's freaking GREAT! ------------------------------- Send some prayers out to the Groten family.